Understand how to draw and use the elegant S-curves of the Ogee grid to create exhuberant patterns.

Advanced class

Includes video captions!

Video Snippet

In this class we learn a lot about contrast - how to produce low contrast, high contrast and especially compared to 3D depth.

Your Instructor: Eni Oken

I'm Eni Oken, artist since the age of 8, art instructor and teacher for over 30 years, author of hundreds of articles, tutorials, video lessons and ebooks online and books in print on various different subjects such as fantasy design, jewelry making and in recent years, Zentangle method. My true passion is exploring methods and tools on how a person can create something remarkable in art, and teaching it to others so they can grow artistically.

CZT® since 2016

Contact Eni • See Eni Oken's Art

Learn to create an incredibly intricate pattern, dripping with preciousness

So many different techniques: watercolor, colored pencils, gel pens, fine-liners

Topics covered :

• Learn how to understand an Ogee curve

• Prepare an Ogee grid background with watercolors

• Add precious golden filaments

• Add gorgeous focus tangles

• Combine watercolors, fine-liners, colored pencils and more

• Learn about low and high contrast

• So many tips and tricks!

This class was super fun! My artistic style tends toward minimalism but I enjoyed how over-the-top decorative this tile was. It was definitely out of my comfort zone but I had fun doing it, I learned how to use the ogee grid - which I previously never liked - and I continued to improve my shading techniques (which are rudimentary at best, but slowly improving).

Christine Kuntz via teachable

The construction of the Ogee grid was a relaxing process. The graceful curves falling into place provide an eloquent background for future tangling. THANK YOU Eni for this. I see lots of Ogee grids coming soon to a sketch pad near me.

Patsy Monk via Teachable

This is another fabulous lesson Eni! I really had fun with the tile. I'm amazed at the symmetry I was able to achieve. I think your suggestion to do each element before moving to the next element is the reason for this. For example, if I was making a curved line on the right side in one ogee, I completed the same curve in each of the other ogees before moving to the next line. It made all the difference for my tile. I love how colorful the tile is as how beautiful it turned out

Mindy Jameyson via Teachable

Case Study PDFs for you to analyze and learn even more

You won’t believe you could create pictures like these!