Learn how to construct forgiving Zendalas (tangled mandalas) without the burden of perfect symmetry! Construct your own stencils and learn how to shade in the round.
Intermediate 1-hour 6-minute long video lesson, including an ebook and bonus PDFs
Includes video captions!
It is highly recommended that you view the Radial Blossoms Video Lesson before this one!
Example Curriculum
- Radial Zendala Supplies PDF - 1 page
- Radial Zendalas Intermediate Video - 1 hour 6 minutes (66:34)
- Radial Zendalas "Video to Ebook" PDF - 40 pages
- Radial Zendalas Video Summary PDF - 1 page
- Radial Zendala Case Study 01 PDF - 1 page
- Radial Zendala Case Study 02 PDF - 1 page
- Radial Zendalas Recipe Card PDF - 1 page
Your Instructor: Eni Oken
I'm Eni Oken, artist since the age of 8, art instructor and teacher for over 30 years, author of hundreds of articles, tutorials, video lessons and ebooks online and books in print on various different subjects such as fantasy design, jewelry making and in recent years, Zentangle method. My true passion is exploring methods and tools on how a person can create something remarkable in art, and teaching it to others so they can grow artistically.
CZT® since 2016
Create intricate and balanced Zendalas without the stress of perfection
Learn to add shading to a Zendala "in the round" to create dimensional results
What people said about this lesson...
"Eni Oken. Just watched your video... you are worth your weight in gold!"
Denise Dineen, via Facebook
"Whilst I am still merrily working through Radial Zendalas video and my first Zendala, I just wanted to add a note to say - WOW, Eni! - another brilliant video!!! Thank you so much yet again! It is so exciting I will hopefully have my first Zendala finished and ready to post soon."
Michelle Dugdale, via Facebook
"Yipee hooray! I'm so excited for this Topic! Thank you so much Eni Oken you are truly an Amazing teacher! I'm so glad I became a member of your Art Club! I'm learning so much! Thank you! "
Dawn Reaume, via Facebook
"I'm watching the mandala blossom video now. Fantastic!"
Sandi Woodall Buchspics, via Facebook
"Great lesson on mandalas. I like the low tech way to make the circles, very cool. It was wonderful to see how you shade also. Thanks"
Mary Boettchr, via email